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The INCEIF Knowledge Management Centre (KMC) is committed to its vision to connect people and knowledge. We have just begun our journey to bring together a global network of scholars, students and communities. Join us to help forge a path to the future through giving and sharing of knowledge.

This vision can be made possible through these giving options:


  • Giving to the INCEIF KMC: Cash donations to fund the purchase of books or subscription-based knowledge assets; or


  • Knowledge Waqf: We find there is one thing the Internet cannot do. It cannot replace the specialist collections and selected academic content which enable our research and constitute the impressive resource collections we possess today. The KMC has thus far secured a number of private libraries of our scholars and students. These personal collections have added great value to our knowledge repository.


Have an idea or suggestion? Your views are valuable to us. So tell us how we can better serve you and enhance your learning by improving the richness of our collections and access.


Call us at +603 7651 4070 or email us at kmc@inceif.org to enquire how to give.


 Prof. Zubair Hasan's Library

 Donation from Mr. Majid Dawood (CEO, Yassar Limited)

  • Catalog 2015 (PDF)
  • Catalog 2016 (PDF)
  • Catalog 2018 (PDF)